Giovanni TAMBURI
Founder e President, Tamburi Investment Partners SpA
Born in Rome, Italy on April 21, 1954 – Living in Milan - Four sons.Degree in Economy and Finance – magna cum laude - from La Sapienza in Rome.Founder and Chairman of T.I.P. – Tamburi Investment Partners S.p.A., an independentand diversified investment/merchant bank listed in Italy, focused on medium sizedEuropean Corporates with a market capitalization of about 400 million euro. During theyears TIP has made investments - directly or through club deal - for about 1,5 billion euro.In Gruppo Bastogi from 1977 then, from 1980, in Euromobiliare (Midland Bank - HongKong & Shanghai Group) at the end of the period as Managing Director of EuromobiliareS.p.A., Director of Banca Euromobiliare S.p.A. and of other companies of the group. ChiefExecutive Officer of Euromobiliare Montagu S.p.A., the company focused on theinvestment banking and private equity activities of the group.Tamburi & Associati has been established in 1991 and Tamburi Investment Partners 2000.At present: Chairman and CEO of T.I.P. and member of the Board of Amplifon, Eataly,Interpump, Prysmian, Ruffini Partecipazioni (Moncler), Zignago Vetro, and Member of theSupervisory Board of the Roche Bobois Group.In the past, as public roles, Member of the “Privatisation Commission” instituited byMinistero del Bilancio and Member of the advisory board of the Municipality of Milan, incharge of privatisations.Giovanni Tamburi has taught for more than 10 years Corporate Finance in LIUCUniversity (Castellanza, Varese) and in LUISS University (Rome).Author of "Comprare un'azienda, come e perchè"; and Author Co-Author of several booksand publications on Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance and Privatisationssubsidies. Author of many articles on all the main national newspapers and magazines.