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Strumenti personali

16 Ottobre

Museo della scienza e della tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci

Via San Vittore 21, Milano

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President & CEO BMW Italia

Sergio Solero Chairman and CEO of BMW Italia S.p.A., a graduate in Management Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, has been working for the BMW Group for twenty years. Before the appointment of the Italian subsidiary of the BMW Group, he held the position of Managing Director of BMW Group Asia in Singapore, with responsibility for the development of the South East Asian markets. Previously Solero held several roles and managerial functions in Italy and Spain in the sales, marketing, aftersales area and in the development of the dealer network. Father of 3 children who is growing up with the same idea received from his parents: we are all children of the same world. A lover of history and innovation, of diversity and of multiculturalism, before feeling proud Italian, he feels like a European citizen.